Supplemental Certificate in Technology Education

Supplemental Certificate in Technology Education

Please note: as Clarkson University focuses on its industry relevant education, innovation and research, we have partnered with Siena College to offer these programs later in 2024. Please visit Siena's website for more information.


K-12 classroom and content-area teachers who already hold New York state certification.

  • Email Catherine Snyder at to schedule an in-person or Zoom advising meeting with a Clarkson Education Department faculty member.
  • Apply to Clarkson using a non-degree application.
  • Complete the New York state-required coursework. For most candidates, this will be four, three-credit courses in energy systems, computer technology, manufacturing processes and the history of science and technology.
  • Pass the Technology Education Content Specialty Test.
  • Apply to the New York State Education Department using the independent pathway for supplemental certification.

No, it does not. Once a candidate has completed the coursework, they must apply to New York state independently for their supplemental certification. The supplemental certification is valid for five years. Additional coursework is required for initial certification in Technology Education. Clarkson’s Education Department will assist with this process.

The tuition per course is $2,385. Clarkson alumni and mentors are eligible for a tuition reduction. Other cost reductions may be available. Interested teachers should also ask their school administrators if there is funding available to support their coursework. New York state assesses a $100 fee for the supplemental application.

The courses will use a combination of virtual and in-person formats. In-person courses will be offered at Clarkson’s Capital Region Campus in downtown Schenectady. Faculty will work with candidates to arrange a schedule that works for everyone.

Schedule a meeting with a Clarkson faculty member by emailing Catherine Snyder at We look forward to talking with you!