Clarkson Ignite

Clarkson Ignite

Innovation With Impact

Think. Make. Ignite. 这就是esball国际平台客户端对待教育和推动课堂内外创新的方式.

Clarkson Ignite prompts collaboration among students, faculty, staff, alumni and community leaders to encourage critical thinking, 跨学科领域的动手学习和开放式问题解决. 了解更多esball国际平台客户端的使命、计划和可用的设施和能力.

Think: Become a Thought Leader

创新过程从内部开始——我们鼓励你充分实现和充实自己的想法和想法. At Ignite, start to explore your ideas, 思考摆在你面前的问题和机会,跨学科合作,为紧迫的问题找到创新的解决方案. For the ideation phase, Ignite的编程和设施培养创造性思维,并影响推动边界的结果.

The Studio

Located in B.H. 斯内尔大厅238室,工作室是想象力、创造和创新展开的地方. 该工作室配备了快速原型和团队协作的材料, 培养一个独一无二的创意空间,每个学生都可以用它来做实验, invent and collaborate.

Ignite Speaker Series

我们相信,沉浸在一个行业或研究领域的人们所讲述的故事和教训, often with a personal perspective to impart, influence innovative solutions. Through the Ignite Speaker Series, students have the opportunity to meet with subject matter experts, hear their life stories and learn about relevant industry problems, growth and trends. We encourage students to get involved, 包括积极思考他们如何为这些紧迫的问题做出贡献.

Ignite Podcast

Ignite播客邀请校友和社区领袖来讨论校园社区感兴趣的世界问题. 该播客提供了esball国际平台客户端开发技术的见解,以及学生如何在他们的职业道路上建立网络的主题.

Make: Create Something New

Innovation extends beyond ideation. esball国际平台客户端点燃鼓励你把你的想法付诸实践,为您提供所需的资源和最先进的设施.

The Dorf Makerspace

位于舒勒教育资源中心(ERC)一楼, the Dorf Makerspace is a hub for hands-on, physical creation. Design, create, and prototype your ideas with state-of-the-art equipment, like 3D printers, a vinyl heat press machine, a glass fusing and soldering station, sewing and embroidery machines, laser engravers and more!

场地免费供学生使用(经过快速安全培训后). 在创客空间的开放时间内,创客导师随时待命,帮助您了解设备并利用空间进行研究, projects, making and more innovation-fueling pursuits. 研讨会还以更结构化的方式突出了可用的资源.

The Media Production Center

Just as the Makerspace is for physical creation, the Media Production Center focuses on digital content creation, 为学生和员工提供创建和编辑照片所需的资源, videos, music, podcasts and additional forms of digital media. 媒体制作中心位于教育资源中心(ERC)的二楼,拥有制作和编辑视觉内容的设备, audio content and video recordings.

我在纽约西部长大,我知道我想要创新,让世界变得更美好. 在esball国际平台客户端,我已经能够探索我的激情,并把它们带到一个新的水平. 选择去esball国际平台客户端上学是我在一瞬间还会做出的决定.

Miles Compani '24, BS in Engineering & Management

Ignite: Pursue Your Passions

The third step of the innovation process is to ignite. Ignite your creations by applying them to the real world. We believe that students can be leaders, 解决现实世界的问题,并利用出现在他们面前的机会. Take your ideas and creations to the next step, launching them into a full-fledged business with growth potential.

The Cube: Business Incubator Program

The Cube is Clarkson’s student business incubator program. Students in the Cube meet with our staff on a weekly basis, 他们在哪里获得专业的帮助和指导,以实现他们的业务目标. Our Cube students also have access to supervised discretionary funds, Ignition grants, external business plan competition sponsorship and much more! Any student can apply to enter the Cube, and membership lasts for one year, after which you can reapply. Pitches to enter or re-enter the program are held one time each semester.

The North Country Regional Business Plan Competition

esball国际平台客户端点燃每年春天举办的北部地区商业计划竞赛中推销你的商业想法. As one of 10 regional competitions held across New York State, 该竞赛对任何由北部地区就读学院或大学的学生持有多数股权的企业开放. 每个商业类别的前三名队伍将获得现金奖励, 每场比赛的前两名有资格进入州际比赛. 

President’s Challenge

Every year, esball国际平台客户端的校长选择一个现实世界的问题或机会,并挑战esball国际平台客户端社区创造一些东西来解决它. This commences what we refer to as the President’s Challenge, which spans the fall semester and is open to all students. 学生们被鼓励与他们的同龄人组成跨学科的团队来完成挑战. Big prizes are awarded to the top-place teams!

过去的挑战包括利用物联网来改善社区, 确定了一个旨在改善公众健康的解决方案,并制造了一个巨大的鲁宾·戈德堡机器,帮助总统在冰上打冰球并打进制胜一球!

In each case, 学生开发一个原型或引人注目的概念设计来展示他们的想法,以及如何将其应用于解决手头的问题.

Create Your Proposal

Scholarship Opportunities

Ignite believes that collaborative, hands-on education should be accessible to all students, 我们奖励那些积极主动、表现出巨大潜力的学者. Ignite为创新思想家提供两个全额奖学金机会, makers and young entrepreneurs and innovators.

Clarkson looks for students who want to innovate, be creative and ignite passion through everything they do. 我们寻找具有挑战我们做事方式的思维的学生,同时直觉地知道有更好的方法.

Ignite总统奖学金是一项基于成绩的奖学金,每年颁发给10名新生. 奖学金获得者可以获得最多八个学期的全额学费.

Review Ignite Presidential Fellowship Scholarship Criteria

“青年创新者和企业家计划”为最多五名拥有自己的企业或可商业化想法的新生提供支持,以实现他们的创业愿景和目标. 符合条件的学生可以申请参加esball国际平台客户端最多八个学期的免学费本科学习,以换取10%的企业股权.

As part of the program, students meet with our Ignite professional staff weekly or biweekly, according to their individual needs, 以确保他们朝着他们的商业目标努力,并得到帮助和支持.

To apply, students must submit an application, which includes their completed business plan, a 90-second or shorter video that answers the question "Who am I, outside of my business?" and a brief description of their business.

Contact Us

Ignite Office
Schuler Educational Resources Center (ERC) Suite 1101

Ashley Sweeney
ERC 1101D

Ann Barrett
Program Coordinator
ERC 1101E

CTA Block